My Portfolio


Here are some of my treasured creations, courtesy of a few of my satisfied clients. 

Mark and Lizette's.jpg (138705 bytes)                Ogie n Daniel's cake2.jpg (104023 bytes)                Jigs_Carlo.jpg (67211 bytes)

Mark and Lizette's        Daniel and Ogie's            Carlo and Jigs'

Alex_Franco_cake1.jpg (71231 bytes)                   Jet_Ice_cake.jpg (87675 bytes)                  ikitjimbocake.jpg (53803 bytes)     

Paul and Gail's                     Jet and Ice's                    Jimbo and Ikit's

alexcake-5layers.jpg (29704 bytes)                   Mark and Lizette2.jpg (110896 bytes)                  brownies ni alex.jpg (63357 bytes)

Vincent and Hazel's           Mark and Lizette's                 Brownies   

Syndee_Doy_cake.jpg (44462 bytes)                                dona and daryl cake.jpg (592227 bytes)

Doy and Cindy's                Jun and Ana's                   Daryl and Dona's

                       Neil and Jen.JPG (141659 bytes)              Ariel and Pia.jpg (318778 bytes)               

Neil and Jen's               Ariel and Pia's